Tag Archives: ATF

Down the Scale or Shrinking over here, boss!

VW Days

Looking back fondly at our ’71 VW Bus that came in second place in Car Talk’s photo contest lamenting that VW is no longer making them in Brazil or Mexico.

I have emerged from the Holidaze five pounds lighter!

Having joined a Facebook group, “Alternative Day Fasting, or ADF” I’ve been getting tips from more experienced ADFers, some that have lost hundreds of pounds and now maintain themselves at BMIs of less than 19!

My weight loss sped up again when I forced myself to eat midday on on down days and added a bit more food to down days, sometimes exceeding the 400 calorie cap.  I had been starving and eating nothing on down days and that stalled my system and caused another plateau in November.  My weight loss also sped up when I skipped two down days (Christmas Eve and New Years Eve) so as not be “unsociable”.  Who knew?

This is counterintuitive.  How in blazes can I lose weight faster by eating more?  I can’t say, but I am willing to add a few calories on down days in the form of a pinch of Parmesan cheese to my Caesar salad or a bite of hubby’s dinner.  And my routine has suddenly changed from sewing and crafting alone at home every day to driving to town on our icy country roads to town each day to the county courthouse.

I have been summoned to sit on a lengthy jury trial as a juror with a group of very sociable folks.  Our “breaks” in the jury room sound like a cocktail party with everyone visiting and noshing on all the snacks that are arrayed every day on our big conference table.  Last year I would’ve been the “fatty” of the group, but thanks to ADF, I am now AVERAGE!!  I’m in between a size 14 and 16, down from a size 22 since April.  It is tough to get dressed as most of my clothes are just too damn big.  But digging around in bags of old clothes I have stashed away (and forgotten about) I found four pairs of jeans and some shirts.  Three pairs of jeans are already too big, but one pair fits great with a belt to keep them from falling down.

I’ve made myself some clothes, but not enough to call a wardrobe.  I might have to break down and go buy a pair of skinny jeans since the ones that fit are bell bottoms and pretty much out of style.  At least they’re not “mom” jeans.  And I’m back in my old bras that are comfortable, and getting looser kind of fast.

And last of all, and maybe most of all, I am scheduled to see the Orthopedic Surgeon on the 20th (a holiday, so no jury duty that day) to begin the process of getting both knees replaced.  So my blog will have the added dimension of a shrinking old lady becoming a hundred thousand dollar old lady with new legs as well.  Wish me luck and my best to all of you in 2014 fellow fasters!

Weigh Day #7 or what in the hell am going to wear now?

Down another five lbs!

My pants won’t stay up.  I dug out the next size down from the bags of clothes I have stashed away and found three pairs of jeans I must have bought about three years ago when I worked downtown and hadn’t eaten my way up past 200 lbs yet.  They fit, but they stretch out after little while and then won’t stay up.  This droopy drawer syndrome is part of having a too-fat tummy, as the thing pushes down as hard as I pull up.

My tummy is MUCH SMALLER than it was, but it is still a force to be reckoned with as far as clothing goes.  Clothes just don’t fit well over fat.  Ever.  Jeans are designed to sit on the hips, but they can’t with this muffin spud gut spare tire pushing down on them.  I will have to get back to the size 8-10 I should be to not have this stomach pooch problem I guess.  My arms are smaller.  All of me is smaller now, like the air is slowly being let out of a balloon.  And I can wear bras again that have languished in the underwear drawer for at least three years!

I found a Facebook group for ADF, comprised of people from the UK and a few of us Americans.  Everyone on the page is on a different fasting regimen and at different stages.   They talk about new books about ADF coming out, and I’m finding that ADF is all over the map.  I am sticking to my 3/4 as they call it, fasting three days and eating four days each week.  I go by the day of the week, and marvel at some of these people that truly go every other day on their 3/4 plan.  I couldn’t do that.  I have to be able to eat on Fridays and Saturdays if I’m to have any semblance of a social life.  And the Americans are debating what to do for the upcoming Holidays.

I find it inspiring to read how ADF has got several of these people down to and even below their goal weight!  One guy has lost almost 300 lbs!  (He uses the term “stones” because he’s a Brit, but I figured it out.  He must have been HUGE and destined to be buried in a piano case until he tried ADF.  Now he’s in maintenance mode a tad below his goal weight, fasting only two days a week.  I can’t wait to reach goal and start modifying the regimen to maintain.  The leaner and lighter I am, the longer I’ll live.  Fat predisposes me to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, lung ailments, and just looking and feeling terrible.  It also makes certain clothes never fit right, causing the tug of war with bras, jeans, swimsuits, and anything else that’s form fitting.  Thank heavens for tee shirts, skirts,, and loose pants!