Weigh Day Five and how I broke through the “plateau”.

I feel almost brave enough to list some numbers now that I’ve slipped under my personal “shaming” number by a full six pounds.  (Hint:  This number implies the “two tons of fun” in fat shaming, as very few women look anything other than FAT when they exceed this number on the scale, unless they are Olympic shot put and weight lifting athletes.)  But no scale readings today other than to document another five lbs. lost. I have yet to go in the wrong direction, despite the slow progress.

Fat shaming aside, I still look pretty fat for losing thirty lbs., and only a couple of people have noticed the weight loss.  But I fit better in the 70s cars (VW Bug, 240Z) that I was getting too big to ride in.  In the Volkswagen, my butt and billowing thighs spilled over the sides of those narrow seats, and my caboose pushed me forward so far that I felt like I was falling out of the seat into the leg area.  Now the seatbelt isn’t tight and my butt is even with the seat (18″).  This is within the range of “normal”  Yay!  I can get on an airplane again without spilling over into the seats on either side, except for my arms, which still seem to be too big to fit anywhere.  I’m waiting for those arms to start shrinking.  I hope they’re listening and on board with the program.

I’m down a full dress size now, and having dilemmas with too big jeans that tend to slide down like gangsta saggers.  My stomach has really gone down!  I can bend over and tie my shoes without feeling like I have a yoga ball between my lap and chin.  My rear end is not sticking out as far either.  (The beeper is getting quieter…)

In late July I hit the plateau so many experience in their weight loss continuum.  At first I was dropping almost ten lbs. a month but in July I barely lost two lbs.  Now when you are going three days a week watching everyone else pig out at parties (both the 4th of July and Memorial Day landed on fast days), fixing food to feed others, and going through the day with a growling gut, losing only two lbs. is a real pisser.  Lucky for me, Labor Day is ALWAYS on a Monday!  But this fasting has to continue in some form for the rest of my life to counteract my Ni’Puu “feast or famine” metabolism.  So I will be content with the “two tons of fun” number going away and having cheeseburgers on Labor Day.

It’s Friday, and I have today and tomorrow to EAT!  I think I’ll have this:

Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Zucchini topped with Melted Cheddar, Bacon and an Avocado Blue Cheese Dressing

Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Zucchini topped with Melted Cheddar, Bacon and an Avocado Blue Cheese Dressing 500w 9273

Every fast day has it’s reward the next day!  That’s why Alternate Day Fasting WORKS!!

Happy Fasting All!

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